Community Exercise Programs




Active For Life
Active for Life exercise programs aim to improve the health and fitness of individuals, and to promote living a healthy, active lifestyle.  
The main goals of the program are to:
- Minimize the impact chronic conditions have on the body;
- Improve overall health and quality of life for individuals living in our communities.
Location:  Acadia Fitness Centre, 550 Main St. Wolfville
Times:      Monday, Wednesday, & Friday 8:30am - 9:30am OR 10:30am- 11:30am
Cost:        $280 for fall & winter session. Special pricing for facility pass holders of $50 plus tax per semester
Contact:  Please visit Membership & Facility Services - Recreation ( or ask the box office for full facility pass options and pricing (additional parking fees)
Location: South Berwick Hall, 4518 Highway 1, South Berwick
Times:     Tuesday & Thursday  1:30pm - 2:30pm
Cost:       $70 for 10-weeks
Contact: for registration
Location: Canning Fire Hall (977 J Jordan Road)
Times:     Tuesday& Thursday  9:00am - 10:00am
Cost:       $70 for 10-weeks
Contact:  Village of Canning for registration.
Location: Kentville Recreation Centre (348 Main Street, Main Floor)
Times:     Monday & Wednesday 11:00am - 12:00am
Cost:       $70 for 10 weeks
Contact: Town of Kentville for registration.
Location: Louis Millet Community Complex, 9489 Commercial St, New Minas
Time:       Tuesday & Thursday 9:00-10:00am
Cost:       $70 for 10-weeks
Location: Port Williams Recreation Centre (1045 Main Street, Above the Fire Hall)
Times:     Tuesday& Thursday 10:45am - 11:45am
Cost:      $70 for 10-weeks
Contact:   Village of Port Williams for registration.
Location: Online (Zoom)
Times:    Monday & Wednesday 9:00-10:00am
Cost:      $70 for 10 weeks
Contact: for registration.



The Fit2Function program is a 10-week community-based exercise program currently offered through the Acadia Center of Lifestyle Studies (COLS) in collaboration with NSHealth. Sessions are co-led by a Clinical Exercise Physiologist (CEP) and a NSHealth Seniors LINCS Physiotherapist (PT). Each session is scheduled for one-hour, two times per week and includes a warm-up, aerobic endurance, muscle strengthening using light resistance, a stretching cool-down meeting the current physical recommendations for the management of physical frailty. This program is suitable for individuals living with frailty and may require more assistance with activities of daily living. It is offered in three locations.

Location: CORAH, NSCC Annapolis Valley Campus, 295 Commercial St, Middleton
Time:       TBD
Cost:        TBD
Location: Louis Millet Community Complex, 9489 Commercial St, New Minas
Time:       Tuesday & Thursday 10:00-11:00am
Cost:        TBD
Location: Virtual
Time:        Monday & Wednesday 10:30am – 11:30am
Cost:        TBD
One-on-One Physical Activity Counseling

Kinesiologists (CSEP-CEP) with the Acadia Centre of Lifestyle Studies provide patients and community members the opportunity to work one-on-one in a clinical setting to navigate ways to live a healthy-active lifestyle. Work with a Kinesiologist to build an appropriate exercise routine to meet your goals and lifestyle.

Patients are referred to the Kinesiologist by their respective Practitioners at the Berwick Family Practice, Harvest Tides or the Wolfville Professional Centre. Alternatively, community members can complete a Self-Referral Form and a Kinesiologist will arrange an in-take appointment at the Wolfville Professional Centre.

Contact for more information.